tried out another function in my camera. nice.
this was random.
met up with darryl and the poly clique(without grace) for supper. i love dim sum!
went to chill near kelvin's. nice time.
darryl and i(looked so tired)!
my beloved!
i know this look so wrong and all of us are tired but it's the only group photo of the night.
kelvin, liling, jk, matt and darryl.
WAH LAO. i finding high&low for the chat box comment lorr. i just realise something leh. I SERIOUSLY damn LOOOOONNNNGGGG nv meet up with you laa.
glad we did met up on friday. =)
*joceeee- hello! yes, finally.. busy busy keeping all of us apart. ahgr! kays, we're so gona mitup again soon. (:
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