the usual off day was kept busy, yet again. errands upon errands. laundry, payment, gym, shopping, fitting, all within a few hours before rushing to bestie tiffy's 21st.
the game set up specially for the birthday girl.
picking up the treasures(mess)!
joe, mingli, tiffy, irwin, matt, terrence.
terrence and i.
met up with joshua for supper and movie thereafter. totally worn out.
good night!
someone birthday is coming soon....
kysean- who? ohh, i noe.. shall we share present for him? hahha. i sort of noe wat to get..
i'm so not anticipating mine.. :(
who? who's birth on 23rd july? hehe...
kysean- i'm talkin abt the one on 29th june laa! mine's like so.. ahgr! i duno wat to say anymore. excited but not, u noe? man! :(
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